An Update from Canadian Tamil Congress on COVID-19
Dear Tamil Canadians,
We sincerely hope all you and your family members are doing well and are practicing all illness preventive measures as recommended by healthcare professionals during this very challenging times caused by the COVID-19 crisis.
We are thankful to all levels of governments and our country’s political leaders for their extraordinary measures during these challenging times.
We are also thankful to our medical doctors, healthcare professionals, employees at grocery stores and essential services workers who are providing selfless services. In our previous letter we provided linkages to various health related websites which detailed illness prevention measures and other information related to staying safe over the COVID-19 crisis. As we noted, our federal and the Ontario governments have come up with unprecedented economic support packages to help all Canadians. We have summarized the provisions of these packages in the attached document for your easy reference. We are also taking some additional measures to help our people during this difficult period which are listed below:
Government Economic Support package
Please see the attached Government Economic Support Package document for information of the benefits provided by our governments. For any additional questions or clarifications, please email us at covid19@
Free on-line live Yoga classes
Health officials have recommended that Canadians should not neglect their fitness regime, especially those who have to work from home. Given that all live gym and Yoga classes that have been cancelled, we have arranged with Yoga teacher Ms. Madura Siva, founder of Advaita Movement ( to teach yoga on-line on Mondays from 7:30 to 8:30 PM. These on-line live classes will be delivered in the comfort of your home for the whole family through ZOOM and can be accessed via computer or handheld tablets/smart phone. However, the number of participants are limited. If you are interested in participating in the class, please email to reserve your place at covid19@ Once your spot is confirmed, further details will be provided.
Free on-line live fitness classes
For people who want to attend boot camps, we have arranged with Mr. James Gnani of MyCure Fitness ( to teach simple exercises and keep you active. These classes will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 6:30 PM to 7:10 PM. These on-line live classes will be delivered in the comfort of your home for the whole family through ZOOM and can be accessed via computer or handheld tablets/smart phone. Here too the number of participants are limited. If you are interested in participating in the class, please email covid19@ to reserve your place. Once your spot is confirmed, further details will be provided.
Looking for volunteers to help seniors
We are also pursuing other initiatives aimed at assisting our seniors and vulnerable members in our society. It also could be as simple as talking to a senior to make them feel good. If you are available and are willing to help or need additional clarification on these issues, please email us at covid19@
New CTC hotline to support COVID 19 matters.
We have set-up a hotline to answer any questions relating health matters, government economic support and other advice relating to COVID -19. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 647-933-6603.
We are all in this together and we have confidence that this will get better soon. In the meantime, please practice all what our governments and healthcare professionals are continuously advising us to do. Please stay home, stay safe and be positive.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to email us at covid19@ or call us on -647-933-6603.