Tamil Canadians Support Markham Stouffville Hospital Frontline Workers

Goal: $10,000

The Markham Stouffville Hospital, its healthcare professionals and support staff are continuing to provide selfless services to our community, no different from all of the other hospitals and healthcare workers across Canada and the rest of the world. As one of the primary healthcare centres as well as being the largest, serving the thousands of Tamil Canadians who live in York Region, it is our time to give back and support our frontline workers, several of whom are Tamil Canadians.

As a Tamil community it is our duty to support our courageous and dedicated healthcare workers who are the true heroes of this crisis. Without any regard for their safety they are working day and night to save the lives of our fellow Canadians. A number of them especially those with small children have been unable to hug their loved ones and have limited their interaction to speaking from a distance. The need of the day is key personal protective equipment (PPE) including masks, gowns, face shields and gloves. The Canadian Tamil Congress, Canadian Tamil Professional Association and Centre for Leadership Innovation intend to fund the purchase of these essential items from the monies raised by this campaign.

Your support and dedication to this fundraising campaign is critical to not only our community but the greater good of society. Any amount is well appreciated, and we hope that together we can make a difference through protecting those who have risked their lives in the fight against COVID-19.

Organizers: Canadian Tamil Congress (www.canadiantamilcongress.ca), Canadian Tamils Professional Association (www.tamilprofessional.ca) and Centre for Leadership and Innovation (www.cflicanada.ca).

For additional information or clarification please contact 416-240-0078 or 416-707-9104.

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