Appeal for Tamil Nadu Flood Relief
With Chennai facing the worst floods in 100 years, thousands of families have had to evacuate their homes. CTC is partnering with two organizations to bring relief to the people affected by this rain.
This humanitarian assistance will provide medical advice through medical camps, relief to victims by helping purchase emergency supplies like food, water, and medicine in addition to longer term recovery assistance. It’s important that we support the Tamil Nadu victims, as they have come to the aid of Tamils from Sri Lanka whenever we needed them.
You could make your donation to CTC flood relief efforts by clicking on CTC website’s donation button: www.canadiantamilcongress.ca.
If you prefer to write a cheque to the “Canadian Tamil Congress”, please mail to:
Canadian Tamil Congress,
10 Milner Business Court, Unit #513,
Scarborough, Ontario M1B 3C6
These funds will directed through Rotary Club of Jaffna who are already in Chennai assessing the needs, and contributing to the relief efforts.
As a member of the Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America (FeTNA), CTC is also supporting the efforts under taken by FeTNA USA. For more information on FeTNA’s Tamil Nadu Flood Relief efforts, please visit FETNA website: www.fetna.org
If you want to donate directly to FETNA, please write a cheque to “FETNA” and mail it to:
Federation of Tamil Sangam of North America
701 Jackson Road
Silver Spring MD 20904.
You can also wire the funds to FETNA’s bank account.
Bank of America
Checking Account # 2370 1922 8772 ,
Routing # 053000196
Proof code 56
Swift Code: BOFAUS3N (use it if necessary)