The Conference organizers welcome all our guests, speakers, ministry officials and delegates to Toronto, Canada as we gather at this unique conference titled Rebuilding the Northern & Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka.
Taking place on January 15-17, 2017, this Conference seeks to bring together community leaders, advocates, academics, content experts, professionals and other stakeholders to develop sustainable solutions and programs to address the needs of the Northern and Eastern Provinces. The Conference's goal is the development of sustainable, interdisciplinary and comprehensive solutions for immediate, medium term and long term health and educational priorities. The larger focus of the Conference is health, education, and economic development.
Featured Speakers
Northern Provincial Council
Eastern Provincial Council
Northern Provincial Council
Government of Ontario
Northern Provincial Council
Teaching Hospital Jaffna
Ministry of Education Eastern Province
Northern Provincial Council
Ministry of Health Northern Province
Canadian Tamil Medical Association (CTMA)
Founding Director, IMHO USA
Global Mental Health Affairs University of Toronto; Senior Scientist & Psychiatrist, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Canada
President, MIOT UK
Kalgene Pharmaceuticals Canada
Eastern Province
Lancaster, California, USA
Department of Family and Community Medicine University of Jaffna
Toronto District School Board (TDSB)
York Region District School Board (YRDSB)
Visions Global Empowerment USA
CTO, iTEE Foundation USA
Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna
Overseas Secretary, MIOT UK
Thuraisingham Advisory Services
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
York Region District School Board
York University
Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Amparai District, Sri Lanka
Urgent Care Center
Adjunct Professor Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Halton Healthcare Centre
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka