35 Years Later: Tamil Canadians Remember

August 10, 2021

TORONTO – Thirty five years after Tamil refugees were rescued by a Newfoundland fishing crew on the Atlantic Ocean, Tamil Canadians on August 11, 2021, will remember and commemorate this unique moment in Canadian history.

In 1986, 155 Tamil refugees arrived on the shores of Newfoundland on lifeboats, making headlines across Canada. Their story was one of hope and survival against all the odds. It was also a story of Canadian generosity at its best as our country opened its doors to welcome the refugees. Years later, the compassion and kindness of Newfoundland residents still stays close to the heart of the survivors and the Tamil Canadian community as local fishermen rescued them and the community pitched in to help them after the refugees’ harrowing journey.

On the 35th anniversary of this historic event, the Canadian Tamil Congress will be hosting a virtual event on Wednesday August 11th 2021: 12:30 PM to commemorate this landmark event, celebrate our great country which provided the refugees a new chance at life, as well as the local Newfoundland fishing crew that saved the refugees at sea and the community that took them in and supported them. The second part of this event will include a hybrid live-documentary titled In the Wake of Time.

The event will be broadcast LIVE on the CTC Facebook page and the CTC YouTube channel.



Media Contact: Raj Thavaratnasingham – (416) 522-9972

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